ISA logo.GIF - 17.0 K Interstate Sales Associates

41 Ruthellen Road Chelmsford, MA 01824

Phone (978) 256-2287 FAX (978) 256-0745

INTERSTATE SALES ASSOCIATES is the representative agency in New England with the experience and capability to achieve your goals of increased sales and market share. Our approach is to market a select group of products. This allows us to maximize our efforts to the advantage of all of our customers and principals by matching qualified buyers with capable sellers.

INTERSTATE SALES ASSOCIATES founded in 1986 relies on the experience in the disciplines of sales engineering and manufacturing. We are knowledgeable of the process required to turn an initial inquiry into continued, profitable business. Our marketing feedback will help position you for increased growth through the development of accepted new products.

INTERSTATE SALES ASSOCIATES concentrates on selling technical products to the electronics industry. Our customer base can be classified into the following categories:

INTERSTATE SALES ASSOCIATES works with its customers and its principals to provide accurate communications in both applications and sales arenas. We develop relationships at all corporate levels including engineering, purchasing, marketing, and management. By thoughtful application of multiple line selling, we are able to do a complete job for our principals.



provides detailed information to allow effective account management:

Account Profiles

A profile is maintained of each active account listing location, product manufactured, capsule business description, key contacts, current programs, and specific sales potentials.

Sales Forecasts

Sales forecasts are provided as requested or on an annual basis.


All sales leads are telephoned and prequalified. Based on the results of the initial contact, catalogs are mailed, visits scheduled, or the lead filed as complete.

Contact Reports

Customer contact reports are sent routinely to all principals. These detail the status of the account and the actions required of ISA and the principal.

Factory Visits

ISA encourages visits from factory personnel and is always available for full support.

Advertising/Trade Shows

We will provide the appropriate support for our principals to ensure the widest coverage available in the territory. ISA participates in all local trade shows.


ISA maintains complete records of all sales data in each office to allow easy access for expediting and customer support. Our database furnishes accurate follow up and tracking of existing and new customer requirements.



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